Pumpkin spice pancakes

Prep Time: 15 min
Cook Time: 15 min
Servings: 12 muffins
Hi Friends!
My love for healthy baking runs deep. I usually have some type of homemade muffin, loaf or cookie just waiting to be devoured by my family. They usually grab them quick as they don’t last long. These jalapeno cheddar cornmeal muffins are no different and is such a savoury surprising combo. I am obsessed, especially with a little drizzle of honey!
I incorporated Three Farmers Foods Camelina oil into the recipe, which makes these muffins the ultimate in taste, texture and health. The light, nutty earthy tones of the cold-pressed oil can easily be used to replace any other cooking oil. As a SK farm girl (and HUGE omega-3 fan), I especially love the story of the locally grown and pressed camelina oil as it is without a doubt one of the most heart-healthy oils available.
From salads and dips to dressings and marinades, camelina oil captures the freshness of spring and health in every bite. For stir-frying, sautéing, roasting and grilling, the oil stands up to the heat to retain all of its nutrients and flavours. Three Farmers is your salad oil, cooking oil and your healthy plant-based omega-3 supplements wrapped into one great tasting product. I can’t wait for you all to try it!